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Using mi-Health and facial Reflexology

Putting together skills and knowledge of facial and auricular therapies, meridians, reflexes and the use of mi-Health to create a rejuvenating facial touch.

Anti-Ageing Benefits :

- enhanced cellular energy
- improved circulation and lymphs
- diminished appearance of lines and wrinkles
- improved muscle tone and nerve function
- skin appearing and feeling vibrant, rejuvenated and youthful.


1) Starting with the non invasive use of mi-Health gently stroked over the face, neck and shoulders. The mi-Health is capable of transmitting bio-information at specific frequencies to enhance the skin with anti-ageing properties. A mild tingling will be experienced.

2) Using an organically produced rosehip oil , the face is then massaged over to stimulate points, meridians and reflexology zones combining Jin Shin Jyutsu energetic points and face reflexology.

A session will normally lasts one hour and will leave you with a feeling of well being.






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